Made in Belgium, by Belgians for Belgians.
44 829 different plates
Every day, a lot of new combinations are added to our collection. They are currently 44 829 different but keep growing everyday. Among these, we own the biggest collection of original, curious, strange or well-chosen but all 35 754 customized plates. There is also 6 518 old format (9-) customized plates. See all types here.
Just spotted, 1.3x/plate
Our active users are continiously looking for nice plates on the roads and sending us new spots, which results an average of 1.3 pictures per plate.
58 105 pictures
A collection of 58 105 pictures of plates including 47 988 customized plates and 8 065 old format (9-) customized plates. Thanks to the help of everyone whos is passionnate about plates, who owns one or who spots one on the road and send it to us.
75 799 plates generated
With our cutting-edge plates generator, you can see how a specific plate would look. 75 799 plates have been generated till now. Whatever it's your next own plate or one you just spot, have a look there !
7 831 343 visits
Pictures pages have been visited 2 537 586 times, plates pages 5 281 211 times, events pages 8 389 times, partners pages 4 157 times, a total of 7 831 343 visits.
6 173 likes, 26 shares and 1 418 moods
People are definitely interracting a lot on each post. They have liked, shared and expressed their mood a total up to 7 617.
215 differents brands
Almost all plates and pictures are linked with their brand and model of the vehicle. See how many they are.
827 different submitters
This website is so complete thanks to all submitters that sends us every day dozens of high-quality pictures. Find out who they are and how they have contributed.